Take The Fear Out of Team Building

Business Acumen

What is the first thing you think of when you hear (or read) “team building”? Why does team building, whether you spell it as one word or two, have such a negative connotation to so many? For those who are naturally active and/or outgoing, team building is often welcomed with open arms; however, for those who are introverted, and/or less athletically inclined, it’s often a cause of hesitation, fear, and anxiety. By conducting a series of short surveys, Matt garnered the common opinions, and misconceptions, of what team building is, and he’s sharing his findings, and solutions, with the world through his speaking engagements and his book, TAKE THE FEAR OUT OF TEAM BUILDING. Team building is more than zip lining, trust falls, and slide show presentations. Are you still feeling skeptical? It’s time you participated in this interactive (yes, attendees will partake in some simple, yet engaging activities), informative and engaging presentation.

Learning Objectives:  
  • Why “team building” is not a “bad word”
  • What positive team building experiences entail
  • A removal of fear and anxiety around both the words, and acts, of team building
  • When and how to host a productive team building experience beneficial to everyone on a team
  • First and foremost, team building can, and should, be FUN!


Matt May

Matt May
CEO & Founder of Premier Team Building & Interactive Experience
After several years producing and facilitating corporate team building programs for a variety of companies throughout the USA, Mexico, and Canada, Matt May recognized that there was an alternate way to provide individuals and corporations with engaging, interactive experiences. As a result, he created Premier Team Building & Interactive Experiences™, in 2017, delivering programs nation-wide, and abroad. As the company’s president, he is responsible for the design & development of its team building and interactive experiences, overseeing the production and facilitation of these programs, customer support, and staff training. In addition to having produced and facilitated hundreds of large and small-group team building experiences, in his career, May has served as a producer, director, manager, administrator, educator, and consultant for various event and live entertainment, theatrical, and educational organizations. A sought-after speaker and published author, Matt excitedly shares his passions and experiences focusing on two areas: -Take The Fear Out Of Team Building (book available on Amazon) -Don’t Fight The Flow: Following Your Organic Path Matt is the co-author/producer of the award-winning theatrical musical comedy DIEGO & DREW SAY I DO. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree with a double major in Theatre Arts and Arts Administration, and a Master of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Arts.

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Type of category: Chapter Meetings

Type of activity: Business Acumen

Date: February 13th, 2024

Hour: 5:30PM to 8:00PM

# of PDUs: 1


Members: Free

Non members and Guests: $30.00


Badger State Brewing

990 Tony Canadeo Run
Green Bay, WI, 54304